
On the 7th-11th November, 2022 EDEN will be hosting European Distance Learning Week.

On the 7th-11th November, 2022 EDEN will be hosting European Distance Learning Week. During this week you will have access to daily online webinars and panel sessions on a variety of cutting edge open and online learning topics, from innovations in design to open educational research. Register to the events of the 2022 European Online

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VOCAL project teachers training on 8-12 May 2017 in Kaunas, Lithuania

With the aim to develop open, inclusive and innovative educational practices, in November 2016 partners from Hungary, Germany, Spain, Lithuania and Latvia launched the Vocational online collaboration for learning – VOCAL project in the frame of Erasmus+ program. The project aims to foster the open collaboration of HE teachers and VET trainers to design online,

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Webinars for educational innovators on 21 and 23 February – JOIN!

On February 21st and 23 Universidade Aberta and Open University UK organize webinars for educatinal innovators – Please join: –  21 February, 2017 (11:00 – 12:30 CET): José Bidarra from Universidade Aberta will discuss “Mobile Learning & New Trends”, looking at relevant research on mobile learning and digital media while making the connection to blended

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Open educational ideas and innovations (OEI2) initiatives

The “open educational ideas and innovations (OEI2)” initiative has worked towards a better uptake of OER and increased engagement among educators and learners. We promoted open collaboration already when ideas for OER development are being formed so that trust into the educational materials gets higher and existing resources become more likely to be re-used. View

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