OpenPROF project

Project title: OpenPROF, Open Proffessional Collaboration for Innovation

Project No. 2014-1-LT01-KA202-000562

Project run: 24 moths (September, 2014 – August, 2016)

Total cost: 237 455 €

About Project

Project Results

O1. Training material on OER and sustainability models. Training material will be developed on-line, partially as OER, with self-learning mode and face to face training option, providing existing successful OER – based sustainability models, interactive tasks and presentations in video and audio formats with explanations and examples.



O2. Training material on ICT tools to develop and adapt OER.  Training material will be developed on-line, partially as OER, with self-learning mode and face to face training option, providing interactive tasks on ICT tools suitable for OER development and adaptation, including presentations in video and audio formats with explanations and examples.



O3. Training material on innovative curriculum designing for work – based learning for CVET, VET and adult education. Training material will be developed on-line, partially as OER, with self-learning mode and face to face training option, providing content on curriculum designing methodology, innovative solutions (virtual mobility option, self-learning curriculum design, integration of social networking and collaboration), interactive tasks and presentations in video and audio formats with explanations and examples.

O4. 48 OER in the national and English languages (24 created and 24 adapted). All partner institutions will develop at least 4 OER and will adapt another 4 OER developed by partner institutions to their national languages and contexts.  CVET, VET and adult educators will collaboratively develop and adapt OER. Each OER will be an artifact that allows either a short lecture or a video on a given subject. OER will be integrated into curriculum.

What is Digital Storytelling? (EN)

Author: Lina Morgado
Licence: BY-NC

Social networking at workplace (EN)

Author: Airina Volungevičienė
Licence: BY-NC-SA

Awareness Exercise (EN)

Author: Verein Auxilium
Licence: BY-NC-SA

O5.  Curriculum for work – based learning for CVET, VET and adult education using OER, innovative tools and sustainability models. Each partner institution develops on-line curriculum of 20 hours using OER (6 on-line courses, each maintaining at least 8 resources developed or adapted in their national language), ICT tools and innovative solutions on a chosen topic. 1/4 of curriculum is developed as OER (in the national and English languages) and exchanged among partner institution websites or learning environments. Curriculum is either a part of existing course/ module within the institution or a separate on-line course for CVET, VET or adult education. Each course will maintain 10 hours of theoretical material and 10 hours of practical learning assignments.

6 online courses are developed in English and national partner languages during OpenPROF project. Each course includes 20 hours of learning and OER that were created and adapted by the course authors. All courses are available here.

The courses are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Some of the courses are prepared so you can learn individually without the teacher present or a dowloadable copy of the course is provided so you could repeat the course in your own Moodle platform. To access the exact course see their names and links below:

  Module title Language Browse
(the content of the module)
Learn in the module anytime
(self-registration is needed)
Download a module copy
(Moodle backup file)
1. Time management and online communities English Browse Learn Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
  Gestión del tiempo y comunidades online Spanish Browse Learn Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
2. Communication in Intelectual organization English Browse Learn  
  Komunikacija intelektinėje organizacijoje Lithuania Browse Learn Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
Digital storytelling for training
English Browse    
Digital Storytelling para a Formacao
Portuguese Browse    
Diversity Management
English Browse   Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
Diversity Management
German Browse   Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
5. The mobility guide on-line – Planning and management with ICT support English Browse   Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
  On-line mobilitási útmutató – Tervezés és menedzsment IKT támogatással Hungarian Browse   Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
6. Personalized learning at work place English Browse Learn Download (Moodle 2.9.1)
Mokymasis darbo aplinkoje
Lithuania Browse    

Based on the experience of professional collaboration in OpenPROF project the following ideas have been raised:

Requirements for teachers for collaboration in OpenPROF

  • Digital competence
  • Openness for idea sharing, critics and learning
  • Benevolent attitude towards collaboration and innovations

OpenPROF collaboration types

  • Collaboration of teachers with IT people for creation of OER
  • Adaptation or reuse of created OER
  • Translations of created English courses (with created and adapted OER) to national languages

Challenges for teachers creating and adapting OER

  • Tools to be used for OER creation
  • Tools to publish OER
  • Requirements for OER editable version
  • How much the OER should be adapted to become a new OER?
  • How open we are – should the OER be open for commercial use?

Project Partners