Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM association) is a volunteer organization which unites all Lithuanian science, study, and education institutions which implement distance teaching and learning. It was created in January 2010 based on agreements of the member institutions. The association maintains and develops the activities of LieDM network, makes use of its possibilities and services that are implemented centrally. LieDM association operates in Lithuanian Republic. It follows the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law of Associations of the Republic of Lithuania and its own created statute. Association is a limited civil responsibility legal entity. The time of its practice is not limited.
According to the statute of LieDM association, the members of the association could be:
- Lithuanian science, study and education instututions;
- other institutions, implementing distance and e. learning in their practice;
- persons with a interested or working in the field of technology enhanced learning.
At the moment LieDM association consists of 36 institutions and 17 individual members.
Association governing bodies are:
The main aim is to develop distance and e. learning in Lithuania.
Other aims:
- To develop the collaboration of Lithuanian science, study and education institutions in the field of distance and e. learning;
- Gather specialists, working in different science, study and education institutions, for preparation and implementation of joint projects and scientific research in the field of distance and e. learning;
- To concentrate the resources of Lithuanian science, study and education institutions for organization and dissemination of distance and e. learning;
- To provide the consultations and services in the field of distance and e. learning;
- To collaborate with the foreign distance and e. learning networks and associations, to foster international mobility ensuring virtual mobility possibilities for representatives of Lithuanian science, study and education institutions.
- To participate in the preparation of Lithuanian distance and e. learning development strategy;
- To provide suggestions for the Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuanian Universities Rectors’ Conference, Lithuanian College Directors’ Conference, other management and coordination institutions, responsible for distance and e. learning development and financing;
- To initiate preparation of open and accessible study curriculum;
- Gather science, study and education institutions for joint usage of technological and intelectual resources;
- To participate in preparation and implementation of national and international research on distance and e. learning and quality assurance;
- To participate in preparation of distance and e. learning quality assurance procedures;
- To organize training for distance and e. learning providing institutions;
- To organize events for science, study and education institutions on distance and e. learning application in learning and teaching process, best practice dissemination, discussions, forums, national and international conferences;
- To prepare and participate in various national and international projects.