LieDM association actively participates in numberous Erasmus+ and other European projects.
LieDM association actively participates in numberous Erasmus+ and other European projects.
Project No. 2024-KA220-VET-BBADAA4B
Project Duration: 2024.11.01 – 2026.10.31
Project Website: Under development…
Project Title: Digitally Signed Credentials – Smart Motivation with Stackability
Project Acronym: DISCO SMS
Other Project Partners:
Project Aim:
The DISCO SMS project aims to enhance education and training by focusing on soft skills recognition by creating methodology that combines them with Open Badge technology. It proposes a trainer and VET teacher training course that utilizes gamification techniques using digital open badges to recognize and reward these soft skills in a visible, transferable, and multilingual manner, supporting learners in a diverse social and professional environment.
Project Results:
A 30-hour online course and downloadable trainers’ and teachers’ guidebook with 3 modules on gamification, on how to recognize soft skills, and on interoperability and stackability, including scenarios covering all educational sectors, in English, Hungarian, Latvian, Spanish, Greek, and Lithuanian, designed to allow for self-learning. The material is supported with a running and operational OB 2.1 compatible Displayer certified portal with enhanced stackability functions and services.
How to organize STEM school activities online? How to enrich School STEM curriulum with the resources from museums? These are the main project ideas that the partnership focus on. LieDM Association being a partner in the project focus on helping schools to find innovative solutions for STEAM teaching, for creating online courses and in assisting them to organize the project activities online.
Project aims at contributing to STEAM school education to promote secondary school students basic skills and key competencies that help them to adapt to the demands of the labor market. Project seeks to identify the opportunities what museums environment may offer and to develop new learning methodological approaches and several STEAM materials with the focus on empowering STEAM school education using technologies.
ERASMUSE project results are planned as follow:
Project No. 2019-1-SE01-KA201-060604
Project coordinator: Ostra Gymnasiet, Stockholm, Sweden
Contact person at LieDM association: Estela Daukšienė (
Project duration: 2019.09.01 – 2022.08.31
Project website: N/A
The recognition and transfer of individual credits through ECTS was created for an era of physical mobility and is optimized accordingly. EU recognition instruments, such as the diploma supplement and the EQF, support the award of qualifications in the areas of formal learning and are supported by recognition procedures for non-formal and informal learning.
While these tools can be used to support open education and virtual mobility, a number of caveats exist to their use, including that:
These problems are so pronounced, that many open educational providers are creating parallel systems of credentials that are not even described in terms of ECTS – leading to a situation where millions of students per year are enrolling in open courses offered by universities which do not necessarily award valid or recognized forms of credit.
OEPass intends to address these issues by creating a standard format for describing open education and virtual mobility experiences in terms of ECTS which:
Project No. 2017-1-DE01-KA203-003546
Project coordinator: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn – DHBW, Germany
Contact person at LieDM association: Estela Daukšienė (
Project duration: 2017.11.01 – 2020.01.31
Project website:
Project No. 2016-1-HU01-KA202-022916
Project coordinator: Budapest University of Technology and Economics – BME, Hungary
Contact person at LieDM association: Estela Daukšienė (
Project duration: 2016.11.01 – 2018.10.31
Project website:
Other project partners:
The project aims to foster the open collaboration of HE teachers and VET trainers to design online, open and collaborative learning activities for diverse target groups embedding digital, social, and intercultural competences.
In order to meet this aim, the partnership will develop training materials and organise face-to-face, week long training events where teachers and trainers will be able to
The project will enhance access to training for all through C-VET developing online and open curriculum and empowering teacher and trainer collaboration.
Project No. 2015-1-ES01-KA201-016090
Project coordinator: Fundacion Deusto, Spain
Project partner: LieDM association
Contact person at LieDM association: Vida Žvinienė (
Project duration: 2015.11.01 – 2018.04.30
Project website:
Other project partners:
ODL equips European school teachers to use micro-MOOC – an innovative approach for deploying STEM laboratories. By applying these to everyday teaching practices, ODL strengthens the profile of the teaching profession.
The project objectives are to:
Project No. 2014-1-LT01-KA202-000562
Project coordinator: Šiauliai VET
Project partner: LieDM association
Head of the Project: Airina Volungevičienė (
Project coordinator Estela Daukšienė (
Project duration: 2014.09.01 – 2016.08.31
Project website:
Other project partners:
The aim of OPENPROF project is to foster open and international professional collaboration for innovation by training them to openly collaborate in the development of online innovative curriculum designing using open educational resources. The requirements raised in this project for the innovation of curriculum will allow to create learning services suitable for diverse learners and target groups, including work – based learning.
The training materials created during the project implementation focus on OER sustainability models, tools for OER creation and adaptation and teaching programm adaptation for work-based teaching and learning. Project partners will collaborate on OER creation and adaptation, as well as their integration into modules for work-based teaching and learning.
Project No. LLP-LDV-TOI-2011-LT-0087
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University
Project partner: LieDM association
Head of the project: dr. Airina Volungevičienė
Project coordinator: Estela Daukšienė
Project duration: 2011.10.01 – 2013.09.30
Project website:
Other project partners:
REVIVE VET project aims to review and revive VET practices applying innovative ICT integration methodologies and building online communities of VET and cVET professionals, who collaboratively work together, seeking to improve the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of VET services.
Project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-05-K-01-070
Project coordinator LieDM association
The head of the project: dr. Airina Volungevičienė
Project coordinator: Gintarė Vaitonytė
Project duration: 2010.11.25 – 2012.11.24
Project partners:
After implementation of the project the forms for school community collaboration is going to be broader as the model of shaping moral values and innovative educational methods are implemented in formal and informal education. Following international experience, innovative tools for project target group collaboration in local and national level are applied by creating networking collaboration possibilities for school communities. The focus is on positive attitude in different age groups of school pupils, integration of family and parents into informal educational activities, and developing competences of tolerance in the school community. Project exploitation is ensured by activities created in virtual learning environment and the created tradition of school community collaboration for solving social and psychological problems.
Project website:
LieDM association is associated partner in these projects:
Project No: | 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023196 |
Project coordinator: | Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany |
Project run: | 36 months (28/02/2022–27/02/2025) |
Project page: | |
Project partners:
The aim of the project is to develop OER course modules, conveying digital teaching and learning methods of online collaborative learning in a blended learning context for educators in higher education (HE), aiming to increase the capacity and readiness of HE institutions to manage an effective shift towards digital education.
Project results: The OER-CODEX project results can be distinguished in three types:
Project partner in Lithuania: KTU
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner in Lithuania: Kauno Juozo Grušo meno gimnazija
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Vida Drąsutė (
Professional guidance & counseling in transformation – academic knowledge and skills of CGC practitioners (HE)
Project partner in Lithuania: VšĮ “eMundus”
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner: KTU
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Directorate Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner: Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileišių mokykla
Projekto website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Directorate Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner: Kauno Juozo Grušo meno gimnazija
Projekto website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Directorate Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner: KTU
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Directorate Vida Drąsutė (
Project partner: VšĮ “eMundus”
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Directorate Vida Drąsutė (
Project coordinator: Klaipėdos Universitetas
Project website:
Contact person in LieDM association: Member of Direstorate Dalia Baziukė (